You have an event to attend in less than two weeks and you know exactly which outfit you are going to wear. You always receive so many wonderful compliments every time you wear it and this is definitely a special occasion. So you head to the closet to try it on and you can't zip it up! What in the heck happened! In this article discover the fastest weight loss method when times like this sneak up.
We don't need the lectures about how losing weight really fast is not healthy for us. Yada, yada, yada. Look ladies, sometimes we just have an emergency when you had no idea you had added a few pounds or that outfit wouldn't fit as well. Sure, rearranging what you eat is the smart thing to do but we just don't have the time. You have less than two weeks to get this weight off and you need to make sure it's going to go quickly.
The only thing you can think of is starving yourself but I wouldn't last one day. I'm speaking from experience because I've had times like this when I needed an emergency plan. That's why I wanted to share with you the fastest weight loss method for when you run into this type of dilemma. Just try the lemonade diet which is also known as the master cleanse. It is the most famous diet in the US today and all the celebrities are raving about how well it works for them. It will get that weight off in a hurry.
I have a few things I need to share with you though before I give you the recipe. You are suppose to do this for 10 days straight and you are only allowed to drink the lemonade mixture. Also, this particular diet may possibly affect your health so it's best to do some added research before you dive into this. Most cleansing diets are also only recommended for no more than five days so if you do this longer you probably need some supervision from a professional. Just want to add those important points before I continue. Okay, so here is the recipe:
2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed organic lemon juice
2 tablespoons of grade B organic maple syrup
A 10th of a teaspoon of powdered organic cayenne pepper
Distilled water in 10 oz glasses
2 tablespoons of grade B organic maple syrup
A 10th of a teaspoon of powdered organic cayenne pepper
Distilled water in 10 oz glasses
You are required to drink at least 6 to 10 servings a day. Plus it's best to only drink it when you are hungry.
I hope this article helped you to discover the fastest weight loss method. I know it doesn't sound like a lot of fun, especially if a few things could possibly go wrong. The good news is that it will shed those pounds fast.
What if I told you there was a much easier way to accomplish this without all the problems that I just mentioned! Well, if I've peaked your interest then read on.Recomanded Buy This Book.
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